Saturday, June 09, 2007

Big Splash Birthday

Yesterday was Porter's 5th Birthday party. Totally fun. Porter is at an age that a mom can adore. Still small enough to have wonder and awe when it comes to all things parental ("your the best mom", "I always want to be with you mom", "wow mom, you can do anything") and enough independance to keep the messes to a minimum. On a recent pediatrician visit i expressed to our doctor that if I had a guarantee that another Graham would be just like Porter I'd have another Graham. The doc called this a very strong endorsement indeed, as those words left my mouth with Molly screaming and clinging to my pant leg and Lucy screaming and grabbing at my shirt...but Porter is great, just simply great.

So planning a big swimming party (in the dicrepid swimming pool in our back yard) was a pleasure. Especially since I have actually and truly finally embraced the truth that kids turning 5 don't need fireworks to feel they've had a great party. An ice cream cake, a pinata (in the likeness of a crocodile) and the back yard pool were enough for Porter to feel like he'd been handed the moon. We even topped this with stuffing the pinata with candy, and passing around floaty noodles and blow up aligators from the dollar store as party favors. Porter felt he was on cloud nine. And because my mom and two of my sisters were around to help me throught the chaos of 4 other 5 year olds and all of our cousins i thought it was all pretty fun too. Here's to turning 5, Happy b-day to Porter!
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1 comment:

  1. so this week Bonnie was at a camp called Mill Hollow when I ran into you. When she got home, I told her about our encounter. She noticed your blog on my monitor tonight, and started reading. When it was bedtime, I told her "Bon, time to get to bed" and she said "But I'm reading Katie Graham's blog".

    I informed her that she can't read the whole thing tonight. "Why not?" she countered. "I want to read it" she states, her eyeballs glued to the screen. She seems fascinated by your life. At one point she did tell me "she spelled beaming wrong" ("I am a beeming mom"). I told her grown ups are allowd to make mistakes and that it was probably just a type-o...and besides, she is probably a more meticulous speller than 90% of the human race (it's one of her knacks. She's probably better than me.)★ 10 year old is a new Katie Graham fan. Just thought you'd get a kick out of that! ;-)
