Thursday, June 07, 2007

No Pics...

In an effort to regain some of my writing skills I'm really trying to blog at least a few times each week. I thought after last summer's prolific blogging that I'd continue to find charming and interesting pieces of my life to comment about and that I'd share them all on the web for others to see me as wise and funny. Not so. Life with 6 kids and a dog has truly taken over any hope of writing articles for Real Simple or Sunset and even for writing in full length book version our adoption story. I can't even get a blog in, like I'm going to fit a book into my life :) Add that to the fact that it is work for me to take and download pics of anything fun to blog about that isn't my kids and that makes the whole blog thing seem a little more difficult. But yet, I try anyway... So sorry for two entries without graphics to back up my thoughts-hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to pontificate on my very mixed up feelings about the fact that Lucy now walks wherever she goes (and I have a picture to prove that...). I am no longer the mother of an infant, nor do I believe I will be again in this life time. Identity crisis to be sure.

My partner in crime and parenting is headed to one of our former hometowns tomorrow. J goes back to Dallas to visit old colleagues from the Boston Consulting Group. How interesting what life throws you. Things might be a changing - again - for the Grahams.

So I'm off to make sure he has all the socks and underwear he wants to pack in his overnight bag, and to kiss my sleeping kids one more time before I go to sleep. Hopefully my entry tomorrow will have lovely photos and deep thoughts. For now, good night.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe it is just time to simplify? Check out this really cool blog that I came accross. Two friends living a miles part each post a picture every day - that's it. As you can see the pictures are of things involved in everyday life, and at times they complement the other's photo quite well.

    Love ya!
