Sunday, July 08, 2007

Expect the Unexpected

We are learning to expect the unexpected in our family these days. Diaper blow outs and melt downs during errands are just precursors to bigger surprises to come. Shoes that need replacing A.S.A.P. and swimming pools that need parts repaired are just the run-ups to expenses that are unplanned and yet so necessary. I feel blessed every time I can write the check to fix something we didn't know needed fixing or buy something that has to be bought-but it does take a little out of you every time your bank account ticks down over something you didn't want to spend for...such is life I guess.

We have "burned rubber" too many times in our trusty old suburban. Finally had to replace our tires. Now, tire replacement is an expenditure I reluctantly make, and even more reluctantly do I make it with my children wandering with me through the Costco in Murray, Utah while the tire guys give my pewter colored ride an unnoticable face lift.

Two hours, 5 kids in Costco, $680.00. Not pleasant.

In the end, a Costco lunch in our bellies and $115 dollars of this and that in the grocery cart, we left with new tires and an assurance that we wouldn't blow out on the road for another few thousand miles. I guess that is worth something. I left the parking lot and drove home, wondering if anyone on the road could discern that I had just invested lots of cash in shiny new rubber. Probably not. Checking out someone else's car tires isn't something you expect to be doing as you head east on Interstate 215 toward Holladay Blvd.; but, I guess you should learn to expect the unexpected...
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  1. AHH! Tires! That reminds me I need to rotate mine! Thanks for the reminder. And after this week of investing in new shoes for little growing feet I almost feel your pain - but only $60 dollars worth.
    Love you, Mandee

  2. We drove on our spare "doughnut" for two weeks till Saturday I finally broke down bought 2 new tires for our sorry excuse for a car. That was PAINFUL!

  3. P.S. I finally posted something on my blog!
