Sunday, July 01, 2007

My Mom

From the time I was young my mom has supported my every endeavor. Her life has revolved around the needs of her kids for over 37 years, since her mothering began. Six of us she raised-of course with my dad by her side-to be responsible contributing adults who have a strong moral center and a compassionate heart. And she's still going strong. Over two years ago she and dad welcomed Alex into their homes and into their lives. He is our Molly's brother, and they have been "grandma and grandpa" to him; seeing him through surgeries and through very long therapy sessions (Alex has some physical limitations due to a tramautic birth) and being his guardian angels through thick and thin. Somehow in helping to run the family business, raise little Alex and manage the remodel of their home my mom has come to our rescue a million times since our life in Utah began two years ago. Living with the kids while we brought Lucy home, babysitting in a pinch so I could be in one of the kid's classrooms, and generally keeping me afloat on many occasions when life as the mother of six little kids had become more than I could manage (mom does a mean load of dishes, and her laundry skills are bar none!). Mom has been there for me at so many times and in so many
ways that no tribute, no list of help given would be adequate to express how much she has meant to me in the time we have lived "back home".
Mom Recently saved the day again, moving in this last week so John and I could be a part of our Church group's pioneer trek (pics and stories to follow soon!). She raised my kids for 4 days while John and I tried to help the youth of our area learn valuable lessons and experience the spirit of the pioneers who founded this terrific state. She survived with kids sick, a house that is a disaster area and little ones who can't get to sleep without a yelp from their mom. She did it-of course with dad's help-but it was mom that cooked the meals and washed the laundry and took the kids to McDonald's. My mom, the lady can do anything I tell ya. Her crowning achievement of this week's rescue was the loading of our children into the family suburban on Saturday morning, driving to the Wyoming border, and hauling them to the "receiving line" to watch their parents come off the trail, dirty and tired and anxious to see their little Grahams. Mom did that for us. She did it for me, because she is mom. I know she'd go to the ends of the earth for me; and sometimes it feels like I've asked her to. No matter the cost, my mom is willing if I need her, to do whatever I need her to do. My gratitude cannot be verbalized. My reverence for her is complete. She is divine indeed; a slice of heaven, an angel of help. A heart of love and a shoulder to lean on. My mom is all those things. Oh how I love you, mom!
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  1. Our Mom Rules. She really is the greatest and is completly selfless

  2. Well said - needs to be said more often by each of us!

  3. how does she do it? I don't know! She is the greatest example of selfless service I know. Hurray for our Mom!

  4. How lucky, how blessed, how amazingly privileged I feel to have married Tyler so I could second what you just wrote Katie.
    I am in tears because you have done a beautiful job describing your mother. I love her so much and I am so proud to say she is my mother as well. I am so blessed to have her in my life so I can learn valuable lessons and traits that she possesses. She is the definition of a Mother in every way. How lucky I felt when she came down to show me how to take care of my new little baby and show me what it takes to be a mother I sure wish I lived closer to her, she seems to have all the answers. Every question I have asked her about baby William she has the answer. We Sure love grandma noodle.
    Thank you Gail(mother)
    Katie you and all your siblings posses many of these wonderful traits, and you are raising six children beautifully.

  5. I concur completely!

  6. I love our mom too. :)
