Thursday, August 30, 2007

The Apple of My Eye

I wanna be that easy going persona that sold me this AppleMac (SA speak) computer. I wanna have that laid back presence, the one that says, “its all gonna be o.k. cause I know how to make cool videos and tinker with my photos. No worries…”

I wanna be that. But I’m not.

This blessed huge screen is so pretty. The sleek built in hard drive/processor so clean. My lack of cords brings me to zen, practically. Then I turn on the machine…

How do I open Word? Where is the command to copy/paste? How do I download my photos? Once I get the pics into the program how do I crop them? When was this user friendly computer going to feel user friendly?

I’m sure part of it all is the fact that the internet is pretty much a non-entity. I have to post my blogs via John (thanks so much love). I email them to him, pictureless, and then he posts for me because the ‘net times out every time I try to post for myself. If we had our blessed DSL then I could cruise through the tutorials Apple has set up so smartly on its website. If, If, If…

Instead I stare at my beautiful, huge, utterly too expensive computer with very uptight feelings of angst that I will never love it like Cathy Zeilske my utter scrapbooking goddess does, nor will I be able to use its functions like my amazingly talented Brother in law John the architectural genius can. I’m a wanna be cool person. An uptight pc in mac’s clothing. How do I break free of my windows based life to the freedom of drag and drop?

Only time will tell I guess. For now it is trial and error. If you get to read this on the blog at least that means I’m getting the hang of saving word documents and suffering through the punishing process of emailing an attachment to John. Wish me a little luck, and a little laid-backness, as I fuddle my way through the process of learning the ways of the slim keyboard and the welcome to the future presentation that is an Apple/mac.


  1. So funny you posted this today. I was just complaining abut MY computer illiteracy to Johhny yesterday. I would feel better if I had been using a brand new, foreign to me computer. I have just dumbed down. Hang in there!

  2. Hahaha, You should e-mail this blog posting to the advertising department at apple the line " a pc in Mac clothing" I am sure they can make a great commercial out of that! Don't worry KT you'll get the hang of it....someday :)

  3. Oh NO! I am so sorry this is happening to you! I agree with Jenny, send your post to Apple and to HP You might as well get a little attention or maybe a little money. Is it just the infrastructure there in South Africa? How can this be. Surely you can contact Apple and get the instruction book in hard copy. Or tell me what to do and I will try to get it for you and send it along...better to make Apple do it if possible...what a disappointment! Your blog is coming along and looking good. I hang on every word you do this so well...when you can get it all to go! Love you Mom

  4. Mom you are way too sweet. KT is figuring it out day by day - its just really frustrating. Hopefully we can get her all set for schoo soon!
