Saturday, September 01, 2007

Happy Birthday to Grandma Noodle

Hi- We are just rolling in from a fantastic day of travel! We've seen fantastic things and enjoyed wonderful memories in the making and I want to tell you about all of it.

But not now.

Because right now I want to say Happy Birthday to my mom. She is celebrating today; September 1st (I love her birthdate, I can always remember it for some reason; kinda like May Day. A 1st for a bday is a good thing).

Mom, we love you beyond words. We love what you become each day as you face the many things that tug at your time and your heart. We love the way you fearcely stand behind the convictions you know to be true. We love the way you have absolutely laid down your life for the benefit of others, whether those others are your kids, your husband, your business, your "grand nephew" and little guy Alex, your parents, your neighbors, your siblings or the stranger you met on the street. You are consistantly and constantly reminding us of the truth that is "When you are in the service of your fellowmen you are in the service of your God."

And you make great zucchini casserole too. And you love to have all of your posterity under YOUR roof. And you love to have a manicure and a great haircut. And you love chocolate. Oh, and you love Dad too. All this and so much more.

You are completely worth celebrating.

As we live right now on opposite sides of the world I don't actually know if you'll see this little note before the day of your birth has ended. But, I hope as you go through that day something inside you will remind you that somewhere across the ocean there are many people who are thinking sweet thoughts of love and celebration with your name on them. And the sweet thoughts of grandchildren count for double; so that's alot of nice vibes coming your way...

Happy Birthday mom. It couldn't happen to a nicer gal. I love you with all my heart and all my blog too. Wish I was there to bring you a chocolate cake and sing in Swedish. But in honor of you we did learn a little Zulu, so perhaps when your next birthday rolls around we can sing to you in 3 languages. A small consolation to our absence to be sure, but it was all I could come up with. No matter what the language, the sentiment is the same; a truly happy day in honor of your coming to this earth and being in our lives is our wish for you on this September 1st!


  1. hi...found your blog and love the fact that we have the exact smae layout for our blogs. :)
    happy b-day to our mom as well.
    I was scrolling down and looking at previous entries and noticed that you moved to S. Africa!!! wow! how is that going for you with SIX kids? i am impressed by you and don't even know you...i think that i have a lot to learn from you by just you moving a whole household to's the heat?

  2. Dear Family, THANK YOU! What a sweet (and undeserved) tribute to my birthday! Thank you for thinking of me while you are so very busy and involved. I miss you so much. A hug and a kiss from each of you would feel soooo good. I am so proud of each of you. I am so happy that you are all healthy and enjoying this wonderful experience. I would love to hear from Mason, Bryn and Madi if they have a moment. Mason, is your blog up and running? Take care of each other. all my love, Mom/Grandma Noodle

  3. Just wanted you all to know that I have now read all your posts going back to "Will Work For Food" and I have made a comment (of course) on each one. so if you wish go back through ad read those. It is wonderful to feel more in touch with you all. Love MOM/GRANDMA NOODLE thanks again for the Birthday Post! xoxoxoxoxo

  4. ja ma hon leva, ja ma hon leva, ja ma hon leva ute hundrade ar. javisst ska hon leva, javisst ska hon leva, javisst ska hon leva ute hundrade ar. Hurrah, hurrah, hurrah, hurrah! Happy birthday.

  5. We tried to sing in swedish with out you. It was mostly mumbilings to a very out of pitch melody! We miss you guys!
