Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Pictures at last!

Pictures! I can show you a couple of pictures of South Africa! I’m so excited for you to see a little of our experience here. John’s remote internet connection is our gracious host as we present a few scenes of Africa to you;

First, Lesedi, the cultural showcase I’ve already written about. We had a fabulous experience here, and as you can see Lucy was quite a hit. All the villagers absolutely loved her. They tried to get her to let them hold her (not on your life, Lucy has become quite a mama’s girl) and they were constantly calling her name (hi Lucy…yeabo Lucy…)

Pictures! I can show you a couple of pictures of South Africa! I’m so excited for you to see a little of our experience here. John’s remote internet connection is our gracious host as we present a few scenes of Africa to you;


  1. Great Pictures, I want to be there with you right now! I am so sorry you are all so sick hang in there. Happy anniversary

  2. Are those Porters glasses?

  3. Does Porter look great in specs? He's our own Harry Potter (Harry Porter?)!

  4. Love thoses glasses look great! Yes, as you dad said, Harry Porter! I hope your enjoying the remarkable things you are seeing and doing everyone. Madison you look terrific! What a great experience for you all. Wish I could be there too! Love Grandma Noodle
