Saturday, August 04, 2007

Let's see what's waiting behind door #1!

John planned the greatest birthday date I've ever spent with him. Thanks to kids throwing up at home and carpets freshly cleaned which prevented said kids from being baby sat indoors I can't say it was the perfect date i've ever had; but as far as creativity and a mind for the things that make me happy John absolutely was outstanding.
In true Price is right style, John blindfolded me and took me to four different "doors", behind which each held a potential birthday gift which I would "test" and consider. After viewing what was behind each door I would then select one gift to take home. Brilliant eh? each door held behind it a gift I would LOVE to receive, and John had to remind me that only one gift could be mine, not all. But just knowing he would give me any of those gifts was such a treat for me...So wanna know what was behind those awesome doors?

Door #1; a new scooter! I've longed for a vespa scooter ever since we walked the streets of Saigon last year. I had secretly decided that before I turned 40 I would own one, and that by that time in my life I'd actually be in a place where using one would be, well, possible! With Lucy in school I would scoot around to appointments, volunteer at the school and take a class at the local university all with the economic advantage of amazing gas mileage and the ease of small parking spots! So, when John took off my blind fold in front of the Salt Lake Vespa store it was a happy thrill. Test driving the scooter was so much fun, I smiled from the moment we walked into the store until the moment we walked out. Doesn't this shiny black number look good on me? My favorite scooter in the place was a bi-colored number, red and white (what can I say, I'm a Ute Fan at heart). So much fun to scoot!

Door #2; New Bedding! John pulled up in front of Restoration Hardware so we could tool around and look at luxurious sheets and fluffy pillows. I've liked our current bedding for some time, we've had it for over 5 years and it still looks great, accept for marker stains and an obvious worn out corner or two it is doing just fine. But John sees me thumbing through the catalogs when they come, and he knows how much I like things to look clean and fresh. Wasn't that thoughtful of him to invite me to indulge in something so unnecessary?

Door #3; an Apple Computer! I am such a sucker for the apple adds. They have totally got me hooked on the thought that if I have one I will suddenly be a cool layed back person who takes life at a relaxed pace but still has it all together. The scrapbooking blog I follow is powerd by a mac user, and I think she is about the coolest graphic artist on the planet. I love owning an ipod, and that apple symbol has always meant intelligence and creativity; at least since I was in the New Horizons gifted pull out program in my elementary school and they used the apple computers then...yep-I wanna be a mac user. So we went in to the Apple store a fiddled with the machines and got the 10 minute schpeel from a mac loving employee of the store who totally wants to be the guy in Night at the Museum. It was fun to see all the features we would use if we brought a mac home for my birthday...

Door #4; a "let all the sale racks pass you by" shopping spree, just for me to clothe my body in the season's latest and greatest. John's last door was revealed to be Anthropology, a killer clothing and coture shop here in town. It is a chain, there are probably some by you; and to be honest their latest and greatest hasn't left me their greatest fan. But John knows that when i find something there I like, I REALLY REALLY like it. They don't have tons for me, but what they do have that is for me was made especially for me...and it is fun of John to remember that I always enjoy walking through to find that specially made something. So we wanderd through the racks of totally overpriced trend setting duds and I fondly thought that my husband was the most thoughtful man on the planet to be willing to throw caution to the wind and allow for a shopping night extraordinare...

Then, it was off to dinner. Sushi for one last time before John took the trip across the pond. He has now left and I am here tying up loose ends and still deciding which of the doors to open again and which "prize" to bring home for good.Truth be told, I need none of it. I am well clothed, my bed is well clothed, I have reliable transportation and we own the very pc that is facilitating this blog; but it was fun to dream, and even more fun to dream at the planning and kind thought of my best friend and soulmate. A happy birthday date to remember!

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  1. Go for the Vespa!

  2. I was going to say, before seeing John's comment, that you look SOOOO GOOD on that Vespa! Yum!

    That was the sweetest birthday idea I've heart in years! What a guy John! Hope JoBurg is treating you well. Katie, when do you leave?


  3. If I ever get my Vespa it WILL be that little black number! So which door did you reopen, huh?! I am gonna guess your gettin a computer - so envious! You are one lucky duck - what a guy John is!

  4. Wow! Seriously, how thoughtful. Your getting the Mac notebook right?

  5. Katie finally opened the door yesterday. She got the newest iMac. And since she's now a teacher (homeschooling in Joburg for the next while) they gave her a discount which she quickly used on a new iPhone! Door #2 had more behind it that originally anticipated!
