Saturday, August 04, 2007

In True Tradition

We've sold Three homes, and with the sale of each comes emotions of fondness for all that has taken place within the walls that we can no longer call ours. With each move from each of these spots of earth we've somehow managed a photo op in front of the house number, just John and I alone. This photo was taken by Mason, or perhaps Madi as we piled in the car to send John off to Johannesberg ahead of our family. i don't know to be honest how many more times I'll have to pose with him for this traditional shot. One thing I've learned for sure, home is where John is, so living at this address any more is just living, it isn't being at home. I feel thankful that all the moving has taught me this truth; family is home. And although parents and brothers and sisters are in the truest sense family; it is the family we create with a partner we love and work with that gives us a place to come home to. So, though my heart is truly breaking that our lovely cottage/rambler is no longer our house, I am starting to feel an anxiousness to get us all back home.
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  1. Holy cow. I look old, fat and balding. Does the house look like it is going to fall over on top of us? Please don't show this picture to the buyers. In fact, don't show it to anyone. Ugh.

  2. HA! Balding, what - no you aren't.
    KT, when you told me that you had signed the papers it made me so sad, its really happening. I am excited for the Grahams though and know that the next home will be as sweet as they all have been.

  3. I've been following your blog for quite some time now. I stop in now and then to catch up on the family news. You write beautifully. I will keep your family in my prayers as you embark on your next adventure. I can't wait to hear all about it!

