Sunday, October 07, 2007

A belated Revision

I am finally not rude any more. Finally. At least I have taken a great step forward out of rudeness. You see my blog has gone through a revision, and now you can actually view the names and links of other bloggers whose writing I digest on a regular basis.

I have felt for some time like a person who, having been invited to a fantastic party and attended with great enjoyment, has failed to extend in like kind an invitation to my host, for a party of my own. These other bloggers have very generously included my blog as a link on theirs, and because of my internet ineptitude I had not done the same (a great Thank you to John who basically had to re-write the computer code so that my particular blog template could actually show these links; a man of kindness and generosity is he!).

Most of these bloggers are my siblings. Some of them are my offspring. My favorite one is my husband. There are a few other blogs I read regularly, but these, listed now in the lower left portion of the screen, are the blogs that let you see more clearly who I am and how I tick. These other bloggers are a huge part of why and how I live my life. By reading them you will have a better glimpse into me. And because I know them so well, I can invite you to Come and join their party. And I will not be rude to them any more :)


  1. Hey, thanks John and Katie for doing this. It is a great help. I always read your blog last Katie because I could not go on to anyone else from there. Thsi si great..but there are more to add if you wish. Also, John, on your blog the reference to Katie's blog takes you to the old bolog you had published, not this current blog, in case you care. It is neat that Dad got his own account so he can comment on your blogs too. I am writing from his but this is really the Mom/Gayle that loves you all so much!

  2. OH goodie a reason to spend even more time onthe computer! Lucky me! ;)
