Sunday, October 07, 2007

On the World Wide Web

Thanks to iWeb the Blue Rhino Private school has successfully (if not feebly) launched it's school web-site. You can view said site by using the url;

I'm a total novice, so be patient with the site. But, if you click on the pic of the kids sitting in the tree, it should link you to our photo album, and you ought to be able to see lots of photos of the kids adventures. Give it a try and let us know what you think!

1 comment:

  1. Grandpa and Grandma Hadfield have viewed your web site. We were happy to see you all! We are excited to follow your school experiences through out your stay in SA. Please write more, tell us what you see and what you think. Yes, photos are great (they say they are worth a thousand words. But just 100 words from each of you about one of the things you have done would be priceless to us all. Madi, you have done well with your blog entries, you too Mason. Brynley, Yours was good, we would love to hear from you again. Great pictures...but tell us what they mean to you! We love you, Keep up the great work! Grandma and Grandpa Noodle
