Saturday, November 24, 2007


We took the family on a day trip to a little town called Dullstroom. We had been told it was a fisherman’s paradise, and a lovely get-a-way from the city. Life here becomes mundane as you can’t really “spread out” at a park or lounge in a garden. I was anxious to just sit in the grass and let our kids run around with some freedom.

The town definitely offered green space. It reminded me much of the Cotswold’s in England, with rolling green hills and lots of rocky outcroppings. We even saw some rock walls that had been broken apart over time; very much like the countryside of England we meandered through years ago when living in Europe.

Sadly, due to a late start and unclear driving expectations, we had very little time to explore the town. We found ourselves-in the name of “checking things out” sitting on a covered porch at an art shop with our kids making mosaic topped boxes. An unexpected turn, but a relaxing few hours none-the-less. The purveyors of the shop were thrilled we’d stopped by-six kids to sell art projects to! Although it wasn’t quite what I had imagined it was a relaxing day away from the city and our house, which is beginning to feel a bit Closter phobic for me. It was nice to actually do something on a Saturday that wasn’t going to a shopping mall. For all that Africa has to offer, most of it needs an overnight stay, and-well-John is here to WORK, so overnight stays become a bit difficult. We are here just long enough to have to have an everyday schedule and church obligations (John is in Stake conference meetings even as we speak and I was in charge of our Ward Christmas party last night…) but short enough that we’d like to use each weekend to “experience Africa”. An impossible attempt to balance, but we try just the same.

So, Dullstroom needed an overnight stay and we needed a little more time to linger on the green rolling hills and breath in the fresh, safe, air. A pleasant excursion and a happy diversion from the daily life of Johannesburg.


  1. So, is Dullstroom the overnight on our itinerary in December? It sounds lovely.

  2. For your next visit please call us at Dullstroom Reservations to arrange accommodation & activities, or see our site

  3. Geez, who invited Steve to the party?

    Hey Steve, while we're there can we sit down and discuss a few business idea with you - we're awash with MLM ideas that we'd love to share. We've got cutting edge soap and health-inducing beverages to die for.

  4. John, what are you talking about? Steve is obviously the travel and leisure guy for the city of Dullstroom...right Steve?
