Tuesday, November 20, 2007


My sisters encouraged me to check out Stephanie Nielson's blog some time ago, and it is a pleasure to continue to visit this would-be stranger and enjoy her fresh attitude, her lovely and happy perspective, and her great talent for home decor and just plain "life is art" living. Please meet her on her blog; nieniedialogues.blogspot.com

I emailed Stephanie recently to ask if she'd share her talent with our family and make some of her wonderful silhouettes for us to enjoy. She agreed, so we went to town taking profile pictures. Here are a few of the results.

Silhouettes of my mother and her siblings as children hung in the homes she grew up in, and I remember the day at Disneyland when I sat in the little shop on main street with my brothers and sisters while the artist trimmed and cut our profiles from black paper. I considered this tradition when John and I took our little family to D-land last spring, but my strong aversion to advertising anything Disney in my home got the better of me, and I walked away from the opportunity. I'm not sorry, especially now that a better option has presented itself.

Not only was it fun to contact Stephanie and feel happy for the chance to "make a new friend" as she shares her talents with our family, but it was wonderful to shoot the photos and enjoy the time spent with a camera in my hand for the pure purpose of capturing my kids on film. Sometimes its through the lens that you can see the true beauty of the subjects you photograph.

Can't wait to share the finished product with you as they hang on our wall (in whichever house we chose, sigh...). Thanks, Stephanie, for sharing your talents with us!


  1. Those are great pics.!
    -Bonnie ♥

  2. cute silhouettes!

    we got your thanksgiving card in the mail yesterday! thank you for thinking of us, for the beautiful family picture and the message you shared. we love following your adventure here and anywhere you go. bonus points to you for being the 1st card of the holidays this year! you get the place of honor on the wall! :-) &hearts:

  3. Katie,
    You are a beautiful, and eloquent writer! What a talent. I am truly envious (good envy) of your adventure in South Africa. Just a few months ago, I decided that would be our dream vacation with our three daughters. I long to give them cultural experiences that will be more educational than any classroom. You are lucky!

    Kristen Bagley (Judd's wife)

  4. love that your doing this, the silouettes. funny that Jess and I turned YOU onto something. I am in the dark since your not here for me to watch for style pointers!

  5. I am soo glad you are doing this. You will treasure the sillouhettes! I can't wait to get my red wall and hand ours up! You will probably have many walls to use in your new house, but , when the kids are grown you will love looking at these!

  6. thank you Katie! you truly have beautiful children!
