Tuesday, November 20, 2007

A Test of Patience and Discipline

So, this absolutely darling picture of our #5 was taken as in celebration of her first "success" in the potty training adventure. It took 5 days to get to this picture, and though she has continued to stay "dry" since that glorious moment on Sunday morning (including naps and bedtime; had to quit the diapers cold turkey-no turning back or using pull-ups for this little girl!) we still have problems in the slightly messier area of potty training. Needless to say that while the diapers have gone out the window the baby wipes are still kept closely at hand...gross.

Potty training is like having some loathsome medical procedure like a root canal-incredibly necessary and most certainly painful and uncomfortable. The only upside is the fact that once you are on the other side of the experience and looking forward, things are more comfortable on a daily basis and you are a bit more healthy. If my mental health (meaning my ability to slap a child silly for creating a stomach churning mess for me to clean up at least once a day is squelched by my ability to reason through that "this too shall pass" and 'she doesn't really mean to make you throw up when she does this') can outlast the accidents we'll all be in better shape.

so, Here's to good (mental) health, I guess! Best of luck to Molly as she completes the quest, and I need a bit of luck too, to endure it :)

Here's to my health, I guess.

1 comment:

  1. Yay MOLLY! (and KT) you can do it you can do it you can do it! just keep trying just keep trying just keep trying! love you two!
