Sunday, November 18, 2007

Our latest adventure for sure

So, you can't see in the picture, to protect her privacy, that Molly is sitting in a potty chair. We have begun the most frightening adventure the Grahams have ever encountered; Potty Training our Molly. In five days of effort we have had two successes, one was just this morning-giving me some hope that she had finally turned a corner. But, alas, the hope has faded since we've changed underwear already since that wonderful success...

ANY suggestions would be welcome. Finding the magic formula to Molly's "toilet training" success is eluding me. And another week of wiping up accidents is surely on the horizon.

Help, seriously, help!


  1. We feel for you. We are working on the same thing with Taylor this week. Up until now he hasn't been too interested. Last week when we were at the library I saw a DVD called Potty Power and checked it out. It drives the rest of us crazy but has seemed to get Taylor interested. We even went let him pick out some Big boy pants. So far so good (1 hour of dry underware). I don't know what you have available in SA as far as potty training DVDs, but it might be worth taking a look.
    Good Luck

  2. Taylor brought the DVD to our house last Wednesday and we are using "Potty Power" here too. Alex has been dry for almost 2 weeks, but the messy part is still a problem. It usually happens when he is at the school and I am not there to know what he is trying to do or not do. But "potty Power is cute and I think really good for girls because it is a princess that is learning. Maybe I can check it out of the library and bring it and use it for the week and then bring it home. what do you think...of course we hope Mollyis totally potty trained by the time we get there! And I hope Alexander's surgery does not undo what he has accomplished.

  3. As Mom mentioned Alex is doing so great! We also have found a reward that seems to apeal to him and encourage him, playing on the computer! Something he also picked up from Taylor. We have tried treats, a leepster... lots of incentives, but this one seems to work, and we are also very stricked about not letting him play when he has a mess.
