Thursday, November 15, 2007


We took the kids to a 3D movie on Monday night, and had a blast. It helps that the movie is truly one of my favorites; Meet the Robinsons by pixar. I am an adoptive mom, and as one my heart is tenderly touched by many aspects of the film. I am also a mom of a 12 year old "creative mind" who at times feels his ideas will never be successful. I love the sentiments put forth in the film to "keep moving forward" and that family is most precious above all other can understand me a little better if you've read my post a few days back about messages and movies; I look for them!

It was also just really cool to put on the plastic glasses and watch my kids hold them on to their eyes so they could see the time machines come at them or say wow as the main character sits in a library that looks completely real and tangible. Technology, I tell you.


  1. Hey, we just got the DVD of Meet the Robinsons so we can all go to Jessica's fancy office after Thanksgiving dinner and watch it together for our movie night! So glad you have all seen it. It looks really good to me. We will really miss you, but we can feel good that you have seen the same movie...AND IN 3D too! Wow Love you all Grandma Noodle
