Wednesday, November 14, 2007


While we were out last Friday I caught this photo of Bryn and Madi awaiting the start of the " bird show" at Monte Casino. A find and tender moment for a mom to see her girls so "sisterly" and so happy to have each other. For a relationship that is fraught with all the bumps and snags that sisters face it is nice to see these girls gel as we spend our time in South Africa.

Of course, they get on each other's nerves at times. But most mornings I find them curled up next to each other,one having "slept over" in the other's bed. Most days I see them cheer one another through spelling or math...or plan "performances" for us to watch before they go to sleep. They team up when mom needs help with the little girls (Madi, I'll get Molly a snack while you change Lucy's diaper, o.k.?)

They don't even realize that they are living with their very best friend.

Isn't that the way sisters tend to be? So intertwined and ever-present that they are taken for granted? I know it was that way with me. Growing up I never appreciated the gifts that my sisters were-and would be-in my life. Fighting over whose clothes were whose and who had entered the other's room without permission. Diminishing the very fact that the girls who knew me best and loved me anyway were the ones I was badmouthing to those whose acceptance I craved and longed for.

How the tables have turned. My sisters (and now I am lucky enough to have 5 of them- thanks brothers for marrying fantastic sisters for me!) are the women whose acceptance matters most of all. No other opinions on this planet (accept I guess my mothers; both of them) mean more to me. No encouragement is more dear, no support more lasting.

There have been so many times-so many-in the lives of my "big girls" when in the midst of petty differences and the tears that always follow I have implored them to hear this absolute truth; "you have your very best friends living right here in your very own house". So Many times I've begged them to set aside those things they'd gladly look past if it were a friend from outside the walls of our own home.

When I see these sisters, arms wrapped in acceptance of one another, I begin to feel that somehow they have heard.


  1. They are so lucky. I've always wanted a sister...or more than one...♥

  2. Katie-
    I think your kids have seen you with your siblings enough to know that we are your best friends. I think They get it....they might forget by the time highschool rolls around...but they will remember in the long run.
    Love you. Jenny
    P.S. thanks for being a great sister to me.

  3. Katie
    And the rest of the sisters. I am so glad to be counted as a sister. Thanks.

  4. My mom always told my sister and I, "You'll be best friends when you grow up." We didn't believe her at the time and were determined to prove her wrong. But by the time we were both in high school I realized she truly was my best friend.

    My three youngest sisters were so much younger, I never fought with them, but didn't really "know" them as well either. However, over the years how lucky I've been to have two of them live with me and the other live very close and can now truly count each one as my very best friends. Yea for sisters!!!

  5. what more can I add? of course I wish you could come for a sleep over with me, or better yet if I could come for one at your house! so fabulaous to see how this adventure is starting/continuing to shape those great kids into even greater kids. doesn't hurt that they have great models (parents) to watch more closely now that friends are fewer and farther between. Love you.

  6. So true what Amanda said, how great to be forced into a situation where you look to your family for play mates.

    The memories that make me the happiest are those where we played together, now as adults, and also when were were kids.

    What a blessing to have sisters that love you, and look for you to be all that you can be. I love you guys, thank you for looking out for me and wanting good things for me - I am so blessed to be Katie, Jody, Amanda, Katie & Jenny's sister.
