Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Anxiously Waiting

Our first house guest for the holidays arrived on Sunday night! Uncle Dean was flying through the air as we flew home by car from Swaziland. All of us wanted to greet him (the kids have been SO eager to "hang" with cool Uncle Dean...) too bad the plane was delayed by 45 minutes or more. Riding around in the luggage cart was fun for about 30 minutes, but that last stretch of waiting almost killed the kids. At last, Dean came smiling through the arrival doors and we were a family of 9 enjoying the ride home with someone who is a blood relative sitting in the car with us. Board games, of course, came flying out of Dean's luggage, and John and Dean stayed up late into the night "getting to know" the latest new game. First thing Monday morning the brothers were off, with Mason in tow, to see Victoria Falls.

So happy to have family with us. Welcome Uncle Dean!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for letting me crash at your house for two whole weeks. It was a wonderful vacation!
