Sunday, December 23, 2007

Not Roasting Chestnuts...

Lest you believe we are actually revelling in Christmas cheer let me steer you right; We are riding elephants and flying over the wonders of the world. John, Mason and Dean (that handsome guy with the dark hair is available by the way...) have been to the Zimbabwe side of Victoria Falls this week. They rode elephants, witnessed the amazing site of the falls, rode in a helicopter and watched out for alligators. Their return on Thursday was only a pit stop between incredible African sites; We all left Friday afternoon to see a bit of the Drakensburg (pics to come).

Having guests for Christmas is always exciting. Having guests in Africa for Christmas, its down right dizzying (with fun, mind you!).


  1. Elephants and helicopters?!?!?!?!?! I've always wanted to ride on and in those!

  2. How fun! Hope you have fun with your mom and dad. Merry Christmas!!
