Wednesday, December 26, 2007

A Happy Landing!

Mom and Dad arrived safe and sound on Sunday December 23rd. As kids jumped all over Uncle Dean at home, John and I sped to the airport to await the glad appearance of my parents out the customs doors...hugs ensued. A Chance meeting with dear friends the Koellikers as they too were picking up family (daughter Amy) to celebrate the holidays made the airport excursion that much more enjoyable-

Home we came for kids to jump all over their grandparents as John and I prepared a "proper Brai" in South African style; boerwerst, gingerbeer and all. Grandma was in the house 10 minutes before she'd begun to read stories to the kids, Grandpa "courted" Lucy from his first step through the door, his efforts successful by the end of the evening as Lucy sat happily on his knee.

this Christmas season is shaping up quite well indeed. Welcome to Africa Mom and Dad!


  1. wow, check out that luggage! why is mom pushing the bigger set? Enjoy them while you've got them - we miss them over here and want them back soon!

  2. how fun! for you to have so much family visit you during your sojourn must have made this experience rich and rewarding...and much easier on you than it would have been otherwise. i'm so glad they got to come! ♥

  3. I'm so happy that Bill & Gayle got to spend Christmas with you guys in Africa. Happy New Year!

  4. LOOOVVVVED IT! as one of the dragons on PBS's Dragonland says it) It was sooooo great to be there with you all! I hope you have more photos...I want a copy of all of them...Ok? Thanks for posting this now we are home. And thanks for the memories! Love Mom,Grandma Noodle
