Sunday, January 27, 2008


Boy, we have been busy this week, so busy that I haven't had time to wait for my computer to download pictures onto the blog. With a houseguest and 10 days to take off we've had our lives quicken a bit as of late.

We went to see more animals, couldn't resist one more trip to "the bush"

we saw LIONS!

We met Niko, the guide.

The kids (even Lucy) Got to ride in a huge, very cool, open seated Land rover jeep thing. The kids want this to be our next family car. Seriously, they loved the ride!

We got wet, very very wet in an unseasonabley rainy snap of African weather (that is why we did NOT see elephants...)

sometime I'll post pictures of these fun adventures, but as I said before; we are busy 'round here.

1 comment:

  1. You guys sound like you're having a great time in S. A.! I wish I could see what it's like.
