Monday, January 21, 2008

Thinking of them

Moms are always moms. Even when they are away from their kids, they are always thinking about them. For some it is an over obsession of those they feel they will influence most. For most it is a love for those whose eyes are opening to the world and all it can be. A desire to deliver to the lives they touch an understanding of what will help them be happy and independent, and good.

Linda Moss is a mom of the later nature. Although here on a life long dream to set her feet on African soil, Linda is armed with journal, video camera and point and shoot in order to capture for her children all she would want to share with them.

"oh, Olivia will love learning about this!" "My Taylor would find this so interesting" "Blake will get such a kick out of us..." "Zack would be so touched."

All these phrases have come out of Linda's mouth as we've tried to see a bit of Africa. Her deep desire to bring the world to her children, and make her children ready to face the world is evident in the photos she takes, the video she shoots and the comments she makes.

It is uplifting to the soul to be with such a mother.

My sisters, and so many of my friends, are like minded; incredible women working wonders within the walls of their homes-and working for those wonders to come forth even when they are without those sacred walls.

How great it is to walk among giants,and see the grace and dignity of motherhood as I associate with so many of you.

Thanks, Linda, for letting me see this divine stewardship of motherhood in action-and to all the Moss kids; mom is thinking of you!

1 comment:

  1. HOW LUCK AM I! I have had a front row seat to the most amazing mom's ever! My Sisters! Thanks for introducing me to another one I should watch and learn from!
