Monday, January 21, 2008

a development of one kind or another...

I hate to perpetuate inside jokes, but unfortunately this will only be funny to the few of you who laugh whenever you think of the character "Jobe" from arrested development. He is a quirkish character who desires to be a magician, and he runs around southern CA on a scooter that looks exactly like this; only he doesn't have to wear a helmet...

John laughs hysterically at Jobe. "The Final Countdown" is hummed at various unexplainable times around the house. I'm pretty sure that because of this crazy tv character John is determined to find his old magician's tricks which have been hidden on a shelf at his mother's house for the last 25 years....yep, John is a fan of Jobe

and this photo is proof.

It's the final countown my love, 16 days to America. Sweet!


  1. Cocka, Cocka, Cocka, Cock!

  2. Ok, now you have my attention. Please pack your Arrested Development DVD's on top so you can leave them with me and I can find out what John is really all about! I need a few good laughs.

  3. Funny thing is Brian's firm represents the company that make those scooters (Segway). They actually have one in their office and it is really hilarious to walk in the office and see some guy riding around on it, they have run into walls and filing cabinets all overt he office. We used to watch arrested development, and I totally forgot about Jobe's Segway, it brought a smile to my face. Hope you have a safe trip back to the states!
