Wednesday, January 16, 2008


One of the greatest blessings of my life has been the chance to meet so many amazing women. To watch and learn. To connect with others. This has been a monumental gift from a gracious God to me, one of his girls. With so many wonderful women around the periphery of my experiences, I have often wanted you all to meet one another. I'd like Trica Burton to know Barbara Pace. I'd love Gabe Brooks to meet Mary Ceverrah. I know Macy Wilcox and Brooke Gale would be fantastic fast friends. I'm sure Judi Bourne and Ruthie Bush would get along swimmingly well. The trouble is in the connecting. You see, Tricia is in Salt Lake while Barbara is in Kansas City. Mary is in Dallas while Gabe lives in Chicago. And so it goes. My life of bouncing through the lives of others has brought me the chance to meet you all; and out of gratitude for that chance I wish I could connect you all to each other. At least many of my sisters have met you, and that has been a step in the right direction. But someday, in the eternities, I can't wait to host a big gathering and finally have the blessing of watching you all meet one another.

This week brings eternity a little closer, as my friend Linda (from Boise) will have a chance to meet my friend Jan (from Johannesburg). When I first arrived here in Joburg, Jan reminded me of Linda in all her finest qualities. A perfect connection indeed. Both of these women are strong and kind. Both are tenacious in their convictions and tastes. Both are amazing friends and great moms. And now each will have a friend in the other. I can't wait!

One connection made, many more to go.


  1. why so often do I wish I could be you, with your many talents and desires, and your ever loving goodness? why didn't it all rub off on me while you were so close by? can't wait to see your face in person!

  2. you're not alone in your sentiment. i've felt the same way for years because i have so many phenomenal friends. one of my dearest friends named rhonda has the same feeling, and i love what she's done about it:
    Every year in May, she throws her annual "Girl Party", and invites all her favorite girls. They range from late teen to late-in-life, and every kind of status, but her thinking is that she loves her awesome friends, so they'd all probably like each other too. Each year it's different, but they're all from about dinner time till whenever you want to long as you don't stay much past breakfast the next morning! One year she had a chocolate buffet. Once they went to a hotel in St. George and got a bunch of rooms and hung out all night like an old-fashioned slumber party. Last year she hired two masseuses to come and give us massages and we could do a hot parafin wax on our hands and feet, and facials. Just something to pamper, relax and enjoy each other. The food is always great, and the company even better. She sends her hubby and kids to a hotel for the night (unless it's not at her home).

    i intend to begin having my own Girl Parties one of these years...just as soon as I have the means. Consider yourself on the guest list! ♥

  3. That would be fun, getting all my girl-friends might be hard sometimes to not hang out with favorites, but it would still be awesome!

  4. Hey-speaking of girls who should meet, Julia-meet Amanda-Amanda meet Julia. You two live in the same town and have the same amazing way of helping others feel good inside. It would be a great friendship. Email me and I'll get you in touch with each other!

  5. Umm, Julia - Hi, I am KT's sister Jessica. Um, can I be friends with your friend Rhonda? A facial sounds pretty awesome right now! :)

  6. you betcha Jess! as soon as i start having my own girl parties, you and kt can come and meet Rhonda and then you can be on her list too!
