Monday, January 14, 2008

To my Love...

Dear John,

I want you to know that I truly, deeply, and with all my heart and soul adore you. Thank you for being my handsome prince, the loving father of our crew, and my dearest and closest friend. I want you to be proud of me, to be awed by my beauty and enamored of my many talents. Sadly, instead you must feel as if you are married to a person made of jello-not just my soft gushy muscles but my lack of ability to gird up my loins and press forward ho into the land of big hats, big cars and endless nights with you in hotel rooms.

I'm remembering that I can do hard things. Thank you for reminding me at times of who I am and what I can do. That is one of my favorite parts about you john-you remember what I am inside sometimes when I forget.

You are my knight in shining armor, my protector, my lover and my friend. I feel so deeply grateful you chose me to be your companion. This life has no joy without you in it.

All my truest love,


  1. I feel like I just witnessed something very private and intimate, glad that you have such a partner as John. you two are a great team together.
