Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Final Countdown

7: days until we arrive in the U.S.A.
6: eager children who await the exciting event
5: home school lessons left to be taught (yippee!)
4: more pieces of luggage left to fill with 8 pieces of luggage worth of our stuff!
3: excursions planned for our last house guest (game lodge, Vic Falls, Cape Town-have fun Linda!) One of them with us (lodge) the others with her sweetheart!
2: days spent on our last trip to the bush; lions, giraffe and washed out dirt roads!
1: eager wife and mother with lists and lists of things to do, people to see and places to go before our time in Africa is through!


  1. 0: help I'm being. Thanks for carrying the load (as always).

  2. Yippeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. corrections? yes. TONIGHT WE'RE LEAVING!

    Tuesday febuary 5th 2008
