Wednesday, January 30, 2008

To My Brother

Dear Tyler,

How kind of you to invite me, and all of your sisters, to share of late that you enjoy reading our blog posts. I can, of course, imagine that seeing photos of your beautiful wife and son (as the one above) and hearing her insights into life with you, her dear husband, would be enjoyable to read. But, how could I have known that you frequent my little corner of cyber space? I'm flattered, really I am.

Ty, I'm impressed. Really buddy, you have become quite a man. No longer the nude-streaking teenager that caused me to laugh and sigh whenever I called to talk to mom and dad, you are a man of integrity, intelligence and good humor. Your testimony enriches the lives of your little family, your nieces and nephews, your brothers and sisters and the kids you work with there in Sunny CA. I'm so glad they have you. I'm so glad we have you too.

I wish for you (and of course Katie and Will) great happiness and joy as you continue to work and grow in your part of the world. I'd love to hear from you more often. On the blog, in the inbox or on the phone.

Thanks again for the note, I'll try to post more often-and it would be encouraging to me, as a "pleaser" and one who wants to feel "liked" to hear your comments on the posts more often--hate to think you are lurking, love to know you are participating :)
love you Ty!


  1. Thanks for that sweet post. Tyler is a character, how lucky he is to have wonderful sisters that love him dearly. Thanks for reminding him of his streaking days, sometimes he acts too grown up!

  2. I was just looking for more posts, you did not have to give me a tribute. Gosh, thanks

  3. Amen, what a stud - he has always been my hero.

    Love J
