Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Looking for Home Sweet Home

I should at this very moment be packing our belongings and making going away gifts for our dear friends in Africa, but instead I'm blogging-go figure.

So, we are now desperately looking for just the right corner of this earth to plant ourselves in. We have had our options narrowed down for us; we have to plant somewhere in the greater Dallas area. No Utah or Boise, but Dallas. So, given that its Texas-and Dallas to be more specific-we'll just have to make do with what's available there ;)

John polled his office colleagues and all the associates and friends we have left in Dallas to ask about suburbs and neighborhoods, schools and church congregations. We got a lot of feedback, it was interesting and helpful. I just wish I could say that because of it we are decided and excited. Sure wish i could say that...

I've never been one for vaulted ceilings and giant formal spaces, so finding a house in Dallas is a challenge. Everything is big in Texas. And if its made not to look or feel to big it is expensive; very expensive!

At this point we are somewhat narrowed to live with a short airport commute and have had to resign ourselves a bit of an office commute. Appearantly people in John's office don't actually spend that much time IN the office-none of the partners John asked offered areas that have a short office commute. ALL of the partners mentioned importance to airport access. Happy trails my sweet husband, 'til we meet again!

Here are a few homes we have on our short list. Keep in mind I would change every one of them. New paint, new floors, lots of new kitchen ideas. But I'd love YOUR feedback. Which house seems like a Graham house? Maybe you'll know better than we!

These homes are in an area called Flower Mound. Terrible name for a city, but by a lake and with property where our kids can run:

These homes are near the office, closer to the area where we used to live:

what are your opinions? Can you "see" us in any of these homes? Remember, I'll probably paint every wall and in a lot of cases strip every inch of wall paper, so try to see it from a "Katie point of view"

love to have your thoughts on these houses and which one of them could make a nice HOME for the Grahams...


  1. Or would someone be willing to buy into a 10% stake in this one?

    We'd be willing to let you have the house one month per year - ideally August.

  2. I don't know if you would ever live in one of those houses - I really am not sure what YOU want. I don't know YOUR needs. I don't know what kind of house is YOUR favorite, so I couldn't have a say.

  3. Well, I have one say in the matter: I want you to come to Utah! But I know that's not on your list so oh well.

  4. Picky picky! I vote this one:
    But I actually liked all of them. Maybe I should send you a picture of my humble home... and maybe I should move to Texas!


    i don't know. that first one (above) is amazing. but i like the "Creek" that #2 claimed (why not include a picture though?) the fact is i'm so many years away from having a home with "features" that they all look amazing. have fun picking! make sure it's got room for visitors! ;-)

  6. That was fun.. I would love to buy into the one John has posted Where do we sign up?:) I told Tyler that I think he should look into moving to Dallas for MBA school, that would be perfect. So This is what I think; my first choice is Big-family friendly and you could update it so it would fit your look, #2 huge yard, great MB love the kitchen. #3 outside is great- could not get a good feel of the inside but it looks like enough room for all of you. #4 very charming might be too small, this kind of tied with #3 outside is great the kitchen not my fav. you want a good family home where the friends want to hang out this is not that home. #4 dont like the flooring, not as kid friendly or as big. Now this is just my opinion on what I saw. I don't really know what I am talking about since I have never run a home with kids. thanks for sharing and I hope you find what you are looking for. XOXO

  7. What are the details on the picture you put on the blog post? It looks like the picture was taken from the car. Where is that house?? I saw it and said THAT is Kate's house!
    If you can't have that one here are some things I think:
    -2486316 has a kitchen/living area that fits the way your family seems to live. And I like the creek (what goes better with a creek then some chickens??:)
    -2548900 guest house and a lake!! need I say more! :) But it is probably a 15 minute walk to the neighbors house and you seem to really enjoy having neighbors close.
    -2519962 I absolutely adore the outside look of this one. The kitchen is amazing!! And I can see the room with the slanted ceilings as Bryn’s room :). Plus it has more bedrooms then the others. The back yard is AWESOME! Maybe cut a few trees down so a good game of football can be played. (and I can see a chicken coup nestled among the trees ;)
    Good luck picking! I bet once you have been in the houses and maybe seen if there are kids around the neighborhood you will have a gut feeling of where you are supposed to be. Love you, can’t wait to see you!

  8. ok so I cant copy and paste very well or count- 2519962 was my first pick sorry and there were five homes, got to love how imperfect I am!

  9. ok - I didn't read all the goodies, only looked at the pics. here are my thoughts.

    1.yes, I see real possibilities here, a little ranchie but I can see your family here, and lots of bedrooms!
    2. eh - not so much but it could work, but less perfect for you.
    3. LOVE the windows but hate the exterior. last I checked you were not channeling Scarlet O'Hara. not your place I think.
    4.this I can see you in. but not with that crazy dishwasher table in the nook - what is that thing? with your great furniture I can see this being your place - love the great room.
    5. I could see you here too. it would be easy to saturate this place with your style. this would be a house for you.
    NOW - my strongest desire for you are 1. lots of kiddos for your kiddos. 2. a great supportive WARD! whichever of these homes has the best of those 2 things I think you should go for it. A house can always be "fixed" if needs be, but the infrastructure is what matters most!
    love you - sorry I am just getting to this, see you soon!!!

  10. ps. love John's pick. maybe you could do a house swap for august? doubt that would add up to 10%, but this looks like a dream home for sure!

  11. pps. (last one promise) my thoughts on the picks are in the order you listed them, fyi.

  12. None of the homes seemed to really be "you". We lived in Flower Mound and were really happy there. We enjoyed our ward and made lots of great friends there. And it is very close to the airport! I hope you find something you'll be happy with.

  13. They all look pretty magnificent - I don't think you could go wrong with any of them! I love all the trees and large lots - looks like a beautiful area!

    Glad to hear you guys are headed back to American soil - hope you have a safe trip and good luck with the home search!

    This one just seems like you KT - I loved the yard. I didn't get to read all about it, so I don't know if the sq footage fits your needs, but the look really reminds me of you and I can already see you making it yours. I really liked the cealing in the living room area. :)
