Wednesday, March 12, 2008

February in review...

O.k., so here's the run down on February. It is over. Went so quickly that even in the very act of purchasing birthday gifts for our two March birthday children today I wanted to write February dates on the checks-time does fly as they say...First part of February; we left South Africa and flew to Utah; you got to see the ensuing house hunting trip and the home purchase that was the result. I'll spare you the details accept for this...a small piece of Dallas euphoria (it is hard for me to be euphoric about Dallas, but this is that good). Zucchini casserole and amazing bar-b-que at Sammy's in Down town Dallas.
We left Dallas to a whirlwind of seeing family and friends in Salt Lake, celebrating a few very important birthdays for people like this:
Here was the scene in DFW airport around 9:30 p.m. February 18th, when we realized we had parked the cars in the wrong airport terminal and had to make multiple trips in order to get both children and "stuff" transported to our temporary shelter/apartment situation. It was a long President's day
And after multiple trips to the doctor to be sure none of our children had tb, not to mention begging the superintendant of the Lewisville School Distric to allow our children to enter his schools without having closed on our home and with having our temporary housing arrangment outside his district, our kids look relieved to be out of the realm of homeschool, as evidenced here.
This all happened by about February 20. We haven't even gotten to closing on our house (a fun and exciting adventure that we hadn't anticipated) and then, of course, there is the actual moving in, which, it no longer being February, we are still in the middle of...

more to come, stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. Katie-Tell the kids to tell us all about their new schools and friends on their blog! I would love ot hear all about it.
