Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The last few weeks...

So, as February came to a close, so we came to close on our house, or-maybe not. About two days before closing our real estate agent started to send out rumbling concerns about our mortgage company. I've never had a problem with a mortgage-NEVER. So it hadn't occurred to me in any way that we would come to closing day and have any issues with our lender not being prepared to lend. Well, they had issues. By the day before closing day, with my real estate agent standing in front of the home sellers and talking to us both about a possible "postponed close" all my pent up frustration bubbled and percalated-but did not spout or steam. However, right after this embarrassing encounter in front of the sellers of our home (feels like your mother telling you in front of your buddy that you didn't do your chores so you can't go out and play-not a happy feeling for me!) I made my way to our lender. Our lender just happens to be our bank, and not more than a week prior to this embarrassing day we had dropped a whole lot of money into an account at this, our new bank. Having sold a home many months prior, and having some other nice financial incentives like no rent for6 months, our bank balance was nicer than ever (the down payment hadn't been taken out mind you). So I briefed our kids on how they should behave inside the bank, and then I tromped us all in there. I explained to the bank manager our situation, and that we had heard there were some troubles concerning the mortgage arm of the bank not being prepared with the papers necessary for us to close. In as friendly a tone as I could possibly have mustered with Lucy crawling all over me and Mason asking where the restroom was, I informed said manager that our funds would be removed from the bank and a new bank found if our close was not prepared in time. My integrity, I explained, was laid on the dotted line when I signed my name to the housing contract-and I was not about to see our integrity compromised when I had movers lined up to arrive hours after the closing date. Not to mention a new (and very awesome) fridge and washer and dryer coming into the home on the very day it closed.

It worked.

We funded on time and all this chaos began. Here is a scene of our home the day we made the offer on it...

And here are what those same rooms look like now, as of about an hour ago

kinda scary eh? Amazing what 26 tons of goods looks like when sprawled all over an unfamiliar house. How will we ever be organized in here?

At least we are in here, I guess.


  1. Holy cow, I don't remember moving be THAT crazy! But maybe it was...

  2. Some people's homes turn upside down when they move. Ours is only on its side, as you can see.

  3. We moved into our house when our baby Aubrey was 7 weeks old. She is now 11 and 1/2 months. we do not have boxes in our home anymore, but we are certaintly no where near being as organized as we used to be. I don't know how you've been able to move/travel all over the world with 6 kids. You really made it look so easy. Good Luck.

  4. It isn't easy, as the pics can show, but we've felt even though that it was worth it. ANd even in the angst of a chaotic mess like this, I still feel its worth it every time...
