Tuesday, March 18, 2008

A great brother-in-law

Dear Dean,
Thank you beyond words for spending time with our family this weekend. I truly don't think you know the joy you bring to our home when you come to see us-reserved though you may be. The kids jump for joy and you jump with them, on the trampoline. This visit you celebrated birthdays, moved furniture, assembled garage shelves (without being asked to) and I'm pretty sure you unplugged the guest room toilet too (you are seriously a saint for doing that!). You are a smart, thoughtful, kind, reverent, pleasant and fun man, man. I am so grateful to be your sister.
I do want you to know that we were all huddled together on Friday morning, about interview time, with our arms folded and our hearts lifted in prayers on your behalf. We wanted for you to have a great day in Austin as you interviewed for Business school. I thank you that your opportunity to do something difficult was an opportunity for this mom to teach her kids about faith and the power of prayer. Your report that the day went well was an answer to the prayers of many little souls who love you deeply.
And I love you too.
your big sister, Katie


  1. Thank you for the kind words and the prayers. I hope I can be accepted so that I don't let you and your children down in your faith on my behalf. And, no, I didn't go anywhere near the toilet. That must have been another answer for your saintly family.

  2. an unclogged toilet as a tender mercy? Could be.

    Don't worry about the acceptance Dean; we prayed for you to have a great day and for you to feel you'd done your best. Mission accomplished!

  3. now this made me teary! best of luck to Dean, you know my kids think you are their uncle too.... hope that is okay! and we are certainly happy to claim you as family.
