Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The best Birthday present...

Bryn has been scrimping and savingso she can open her own account at the bank. She wanted to save $100.00 on her own and then put that in the bank. What an accomplishment for a 10 year old girl who gets money from infrequent allowances, some "money chores" at home and gifts from birthdays etc. I've felt really pleased that Bryn has the interest in saving her money.

Then, with $68 in hand and a mind to complete her goal she experienced a change of heart in honor of Madi's birthday...

I went shopping for gifts with Brynley in tow and she noticed something she thought Madi would really like; texting toys. These little gizmos could send messages to one another. Bryn saw herself texting with her best buddy-Madi-and couldn't resist. She begged me to take Madi on her birthday with Brynley so Bryn could make the special purchase. We drove over to the shop. Bryn went in with Madi while I parked the car. Even with her intense fear of salespeople Brynley paid for the gift and they both left the store before I entered.

A goal not met, but a birthday girl made joyful over the love and generosity of her sister. Happy Birthday to Madi, from your loving sister Bryn.


  1. Being a younger sister myself :). I know what AMAZING JOY this must have brought Madi. Her older sister just gave her time and attention, and sacrificed for her. My wonderful older sisters have showed me this love time and time again. Tears fill my eyes as I think of how much I love them and how I know they love me! You are my best friends! Thank you for all you do for me!

  2. wow. I am sure that was sweet to witness. we too have a little something for Madison, just need your address. would love to send it your way before we are on ours...

  3. That is such a sweet story. You must have been so proud to see Bryn be so willing to sacrifice. I hope my girls will grow up to be best friends like your little girls.

  4. Bryn, YOU GO GIRL!!! That was so nice. I know how it feels - bringing joy to my younger sibling - it feels so good inside - so good job!!!!!
