Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Living the Dream

Because my husband's generosity and good will is never ending, I have had the pleasure making a reality out of a dream I've had for some time. Creating a piece of furniture-a portable Library/study if you will, for my children to sit near and use as access to all things homework related (save the computer which will ever remain in a VERY conspicuous place in a VERY public place in our home...)has been something so on my mind for -seriously-a couple of years. I want my kids to spread out there homework and sit down at a table that is NOT our eating/dinner table and think and think and think. I've wanted them to have pencils, staplers, rulers, reference books and the like at their fingertips so aimless wandering during homework time to find said items can be minimized.

It's happening. Our library. The cabinet maker is sawing, measuring, cutting and sanding even as we speak to create for me this conceptual masterpiece. He promises installation by April 10-and he swears he can finish it exactly like my favorite white table which it will accompany in our dining room/kid's study.

I can't wait.

Thanks John, you are so the best!

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited to see this impressive piece of furniture. It's pretty impressive that you were able to design this library. I am sure your kids will have some wonderful memories of sitting at this table and thinking, thinking, thinking. Congratulations on "living the dream".
