Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Another Dream realized...

From the time I was a small girl I have longed to have, as a mother (you know "when I grow up and become a mother I want...you had those thoughts too, but your thoughts probably didn't center around furniture or fixtures, mine sometimes did;)

As I was saying, I longed to have a dutch door. One that could be part open and part closed at the same time. One that could let the cool breeze of spring in the house and keep the muddy feet of children who desperately need to play outside out.

I have no explanation for this secret wish. It seemed in books and magazines where happy families lived there were dutch doors. It seemed, as I grew older and started to notice, that old houses had dutch doors-and old houses always to me had character and the reality of life well lived attached. When we lived in Europe I actually saw lots of dutch doors, and they were well used. I wanted the door even more.

Home to Dallas, then to Boise, then on to Salt Lake. No Dutch door. It really wasn't possible at those times or in those homes to make this dream come true.

But, now the time has come. And I am so darned excited you can hardly believe it. The guy who is making the door has assured me of its impracticality. Poor John I'm sure is squashing giggles when I speak of the blessed entry to and from the back yard, with its perfectly shaped window pane and the little ledge that separates top from bottom. He can't believe I want to spend our money on such an item I'm sure. But I do; and I have.

It's on its way, 30 days or sooner to installation. Can't wait to show you, can't wait to see it myself.

My perfect dutch door.


  1. I too dream of furniture and houses. I used to draw floor plans when I was a teen. I also have often wished for a dutch door to the playroom or nursery. It never crossed my mind to have one as an exterior door - but it seems like I have seem them in the dreamy romance movies by Jane Austen. I am excited for you!

  2. I used to think dutch doors were so cool, the idea of having a door that is open and closed at the same time. I can't wait to see picture of it, and keep us posted on how much you like it once it's installed.
