Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Easter in the chaos

We had Easter; wasn't that holiday supposed to happen in APRIL? But, thanks to some comments about how the kids would be out of school for a week due to the spring holiday I did remember it was coming and somehow we pulled it off; easter outfits and baskets to boot.

To me, this is a sacred and reverent holiday. A time to reflect on the miracle and purposes of this life, and to re-center myself and remember that following the example of my Savior, Jesus Christ, is the most important reason for my existence. In the middle of egg hunts and outfits it is sometimes hard to remember. But, I think because I need His help so much right now perhaps this year the feelings of tender love and awe that I have for Christ were a bit more on the surface, and it was a tender day-even in the chaos of our current new life.

Happy Easter. He lives, and I testify of this truth. He is real, and He really knows us. His interest and purpose is our redemption, and my central desire is to be somehow mercifully able to be in His presence when this lovely life is ended for me. My daily purpose is to bring my children to His feet, that they may come to know Him for themselves. I know that through following His example and giving my will to Him I can know and love Him more. May I ever do that from now until next Easter and for all the Easters beyond is my personal desire.


  1. Happy Easter. I am hoping that each year I will be able to help my girls better understand the true meaning of this sacred holiday. If you figure out any great ways to teach kids about easter please let me know, you always seem to have creative ways to teach your kids about the gospel.

  2. yes, let me know if you have any good ideas for good Easter
    traditions. I was really looking for a couple of good ones that aren't egg or candy related. Let me know.
