Thursday, March 27, 2008

Mason sings

Mason had his first choral concert last night. Mom-who sang through high school and college-was very proud. It was even worth the "are all of them yours?" and "wow, you must be busy" comments I had flying left and right as we entered and exited the middle school, all kids in tow and John at a client dinner.

Yes, I am busy.
Yes, they are mine.
Yes, Mason is a great choral musician.
Yes, I am happy...


  1. Crazy to see him with other kids his age, he looks so old! How is he liking his middle school experience so far?

  2. I love the picture of you, Lucy and Molly. Lucy's little smile is adorable. I can't believe Mason is so grown up! That has got to be so fun to watch your children enjoying something that you love to do.
