Thursday, March 27, 2008

On Trees

About 9 years ago, we discovered that the tree in our front yard was too sick to last, and we had to remove it from the ground. I remember the task being unpleasant, especially grinding the wide stump into oblivion. Within a month, our incredible neighbor Evans Mank had helped us select a replacement tree, and he and Mason (with 1 year old Brynley watching on) planted new life into our old front yard. 4 years later, on the night we moved away, Evans and Mason-with Brynley too-posed for a photo in front of the then adolescent tree. It had grown to reach about 8 feet by then, and I felt glad that we were leaving for future home owners the strength of a young and hardy tree.

Five years have flown by, and now we find ourselves in the same city (generally speaking) as our dear friend and former neighbor Evans. We buy a suburban home with an acre of grass, a place that desperately needs some trees. Evans offers free seedlings, all we need to do is help plant them and keep them alive. We readily agree, and enjoy an afternoon spent with dear friends and our hands in the earth. As we plant Evans shares that these baby trees are the offspring of our old tree-a tree that has grown to be strong and straight, lending shade and fresh air to the family that lives in our old Dallas home.

A circle of life kind of thing, I think. Us, thanks to Evans, bringing to this new Dallas house one of the best things that came from our old one. With water and tender care, I hope we stay planted ourselves long enough for shade and beauty -and a little fresh air- to be part of the Graham's growth here in Texas.

1 comment:

  1. Do you remember how touched I was to see the huge poppler trees at the back of "our yard" when we stopped to see my old house in Omaha. They were part of my roots there, the first place I moved to from my "hometown". It meant so much to me to see that house again and to see the growth of those trees. I pray all of your roots go deep if Dallas is to be your home for these next very formitive years. KT, You have always been very open to putting your heart into every place you have lived not afraid to put your roots down deep for as long as you are there. Do not be hesitant now..reach out, stretch out, dig in. You will be happy, just clear you mind of past difficulties with Dallas and reach out.
