Thursday, March 27, 2008

Field Trip

We've now had 4 kindergartners, and that means 4 kindergarten field trips to the zoo. Today, Molly and Lucy and I accompanied Porter to the Ft. Worth Zoo to witness the animals, and the kids too. We got lost (being the last of a caravan of like 100 cars was not smart, as I'm new to town) both going and coming back. It took ages to find the kids after we finally found the zoo, and then Lucy was a nightmare (yes, that little darling girl CAN be a nightmare). But I was there with Porter. 4 kindergarten field trips to the zoo, and I haven't missed one yet.

Mason's zoo trip was in Stockholm. Pretty sure Grandma Graham made it to that one too.
Brynley's trip was in Boise. I fondly remember my dear friend Tiffany's lament as she watched a tiger pee all over her daughter Hailey (seriously, that happened).
Madi's field trip was in Salt Lake. We were in the middle of adoption anxiety-and as I wandered the zoo that day wondering why on earth I was pursuing this adoption I watched as a beautiful young mother (of Asian descent) patiently and lovingly help her little children enjoy the zoo. It was a gift from Heaven to witness that Lucy's coming wasn't just about me or Lucy; it was about generations that follow her into eternity.
And now, Porter's trip in Ft. Worth. I left dishes in the sink and piles of moving-in chaos on the floors. I had the girls in the car with lunches and the double stroller (that we, as an aside, did not use accept for me pushing it around empty as Lucy clung to my arms and Molly sprinted from one animal exhibit to another grabbing onto other mother/shaperones as she went) by 8:20, even though the buses didn't leave from the school until about 9:15. I got there, I did it. 4 kindergartners. 4 field trips. All with me in attendance.

sometimes, just sometimes, I think to myself that I might get the hang of this mothering thing after all ;)


  1. I love the tiger peeing story. I laughed out loud. I'm impressed that you were so willing to go with Porter's class in the midst of your crazy life. Good job, knowing what's most important in life.
