Thursday, March 27, 2008

A note of thanks

Dear Container Store,

This is a fan letter. I am a fan of your store, the people who work in them and the things that you sell. I love to give you our money. I am happy when I walk the aisles of your clean and organized store front and see all the ways I can create a place for everything and put everything in its place. sometimes I dream in elpha, the shelving and organizing tool you so skillfully sell to me on the billboards that I pass as I drive on the Dallas freeways.

You inspire me. You speak my language. Your "organizational consultants" are my friends. They understand my need for order and they empower me to create that order (Thank you, especially this week, for Sir Collin from England who works in your Southlake store and has helped me to plan and create a beautiful and orderly mud wall for my children's shoes and school things. Sir collin was fantastic during a critical moment when my daughters had fallen asleep in the car and I needed just a few more shelves. He didn't call the department of health and welfare when I let them stay asleep and he even placed my order while I ran out to the parking lot to be sure no one else was standing by the car dialing the number to health and welfare).

Please send me promotional materials, emails, and any printed advertising you offer, as I longingly gaze upon all things organizational as if they were the answer to the frenetic chaos that the mother of a large family must face in organizing and maintaining order in her home. Your catalog and website is my zen, my moment of centeredness, or my potential to reach that centeredness, with just a few more purchases for those hard to organize spaces.

Yes, I am your fan. I thank you and I praise your organized and orderly concepts.
with deep sincerity and great fondness,


  1. I was just gazing longingly at this month's Container Store ad in Real Simple wishing for the one millionth time that we had a Container Store here in Utah. There are some advantages to living in Texas!

    Enjoy your new home, neighborhood, ward, friends, school, bike route, Container Store and Pappacitos!!

  2. Please give them this love note. Maybe they'll comp us $100 and take a dent out of the money we love to spend there. ;-)

  3. things must be getting organized for you, you're finally posting again. 13 days and counting - see you soon!

  4. So, I got cable for free with my apartment (bad news for me, too much TV time) and there is a show on TLC called John & Kate Plus 8, I watch it and I think of you guys. It is a reality show about a couple that had twins and then had sextuplets = 8 children. They have a crazy life, just like you guys. :)

  5. I am so excited to see you pantry and your mud room! And see Bryn's room and Madi's room and the boys room and everything. I am so grateful we can come and that I can stay a while. I will feel settled knowing your routines and your where abouts and your challenges and your successes first hand. Yahoo! See you in 2 weeks!
