Thursday, April 03, 2008


So in my monumental effort to focus on our last "un-moved-in" room I kinda left other stuff to the wind. And now I'm living in the aftermath. Mainly that aftermath is a 3 yr. old who colors on walls and screams at her 2 year old sister (who has now, thanks to the 3 year old, learned how to scream back). Today we worked on using the toilet properly (for the hundred thousandth time) because any day where I don't say little things like "oh, you are so good at keeping those underwear clean little friend!" is a day when we don't have clean underwear.

No day of work is complete without another day of work to follow, right. ONly this work is harder; because the work of molding and raising souls is eternal, its no "now how shall I organize this colored paper in the corner"-nope. That organizing stuff is pansy work compared to parenting...

On the bright side, said little toddler is absolutely adorable for many minutes of every day. She is in there; the "best" her, I just have to work through this aftermath to bring her out.

Come out soon, little friend, can't wait to be with your best you ;)

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