Tuesday, April 01, 2008

These last hours

After dinner Dad came home...Yippeee! John swoops in to save the day; as he usually does. He puts little girls in pajamas while I read with Porter. Then I sing to Lucy (a nightly ritual)and promise to read to Molly tomorrow (its late!). After kissing all our kids and telling Mason to turn the lights out and hand over the comic book, John and I converge for one last push in the studio.

I didn't post the picture of the pile in the corner that still needs to be sorted out (all that 12x12 paper needs to be stored by color ya know;) nor did I show you the massive amount of recycling/good will stuff that is sitting outside the studio door waiting to be put in its proper place; a job for the morning, but instead we focus on the positive.

You can see the darling rug I found to cover my studio floor
You can see the fantastic farm table on which I will create
You can see most of the supplies I will use to aid in that creative process
You can see a happy, well-worked Katie, after a day of putting things where they belong
You can see John, and Katie with John. And you see them together in their own home, no more boxes to unpack and with John working with a local client so as not to be traveling on a Tuesday evening...

I like seeing all of that a whole lot.

Thanks loads for checking in today on my work. I think I'll tag some of you to share with the rest of us what you do hour by hour. It's pretty enlightening.

Grandma Noodle
Katie H.
Bonnie (on a Saturday, k? so I don't get in trouble with your teachers...)

Just try to keep your camera with you for one full day. Set a watch or a timer for 60 minutes, and when that timer goes off take some snap shots that show what is going on in your life, and what kind of work you do. Just for one day-give it a try

email me when you are ready to post on your blogs, or just email me and I'll post it for you on mine, cause I know some of you don't actually blog per se.

Remember...prepare for tomorrow by working today!


  1. Well, my mom or dad will have to help me get the pics on the computer. But that does sound like fun...

  2. wahoo! I thinkthat is a move in record for you isn't it? can't wait to see how it all came together!today may just be the day to do this....wish me luck.

  3. Looks SO GREAT!!! So happy for you to have a studio, what a dream come true!

    Love lots, and watch for my hourly update, to come soon!

  4. I am afraid I am like John, slow typing, do not use the digital camara very well when it is in my possession which is not very often huh jenny. do not know how to download photos onto computer from camara, Do not know the first thing about how to post on blog, do have a blog...at least I think it is still there. So I will not take you challenge to put a day on the blog. But...I think this is a really great idea and I am going to journal one day and see what that is like! I can take some photos too. this could be very enlightening Thanks for the challenge! Mom

  5. I just got home from San Diego yesterday, so I will take your challenge later on this week. I think this is a great idea! I'll let you know when I finish your challenge.
