Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Dinner and beyond

O.k., things always wind up at dinner time; kids wind up and I wind up too. tonight was leftovers, because of the day's project I didn't cook. Kids are called to to clear the table. Mom dishes up spagetti with clean hands, The kids who are supposed to be cleaning the kitchen after dinner instead have a boxing match with the hot pads for gloves, and finally I catch Molly; who has been severely neglected when not in trouble today, sweeping up the kitchen floor for her sister Madi. This picture is the treasure of the day, and the memory very sweet with Molly happily humming a tune as she does her sister's chore. This scene makes the days' work of organizing "things" in a space of our home seem trivial, and I remember that my real work is to mother these little (and bigger) souls and help them come closer to a life of meaning and service.


  1. Awww! That's so sweet of Molly!

  2. Brings it all back into perpective!! Hugs to molly!

  3. Way to go Molly... Alex says your are wonderful when you help! We love you no matter waht, but it is wonderful to see you show love to your family! We love you, ALEX and Grandma Noddle
