Tuesday, April 01, 2008

The hour before dinner

A new art wall is found in our home, where kids display all their artistic talents. This house will host art on the garage wall, as we use that door in and out of the house more than any other.

Kids start doing their homework, including Bryn's school "star" project, which is now mixed in with my day's work project...

Molly spends the hour coloring on various walls of the house, and then wiping the crayon off with the help of Mr. Clean magic erasers (thank you, Mr. Clean)

The pile of "what do I do with this picture" pictures grows and grows, an album of random pictures must be in order...

now just to feed the kids, bathe the kids, read to the kids, pray with the kids, put them in their beds under protest by the kids and then back to the day's work project.

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