Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Time flies

Next hour and a bit flies by; girls do homework as Porter does gymnastics. Little girls eat yogurt and crackers in front of the glass window where mom watched Porter. Mom buckles babies into car seats to return home to today's work project!

wish me luck, these next 4 are the hardest hours of the day...


  1. You're awesome Katie. You are one of my inspirations when it comes to mothering and housekeeping and exercising and ... everything.

  2. I don't think I dare go home...

  3. Seriously I am always amazed by you I love seeing how much you do and accomplish with what you have on your plate. You inspire me to work harder and know I can do so much more. I have one child and I say I can't get much done with him by my side. Who am I kidding:) What a fun room I love it!!!!
