Wednesday, April 09, 2008

in desperate need...

Today more than ever in my blogging career I wish I could draw lines and circles around my photos-so you could see how desperately my handsome prince needs a game night. Notice our master bathroom, in the privacy of the comode we see, yes that's right, a new GAME (here I would use a different font and color if i knew how) in the magazine bucket. Next to the tiny garbage can we see the remnants of the cardboard game PIECES (I would draw an arrow here to show you said cardboard) which needed to be punched out in order for the game to be played.

My husband is a master at multitasking, what can I say? He is so busy with work, home, church and wife that he has resorted to game preparations while taking care of that other business one takes care of while in this room of our house;impressive use of time I must say...

Promise, Saturday night after Madi's celebration John, you and Dad and Dean can sit down and play play play!

I can see you are in desperate need and I deeply desire to help meet that need. I pledge my attention to your game night come Saturday. I love you with all of my heart.


  1. I can't believe you posted this.
    *** blush***
    Somehow this feels like a Suzanne Ohseik moment shouted from the rooftops. :)

  2. I didn't mean to embarrass! I thought it was so cute and so funny I just couldn't resist...I'm sorry if I've offended-you are my handsome prince and my favorite game player!

  3. I''m playing too! I hope we get to play Battle Lore! I call the Dwarves!

  4. I think you just lost serious readership because no one wants the visual they just got.

  5. I love that Mason posted here. haha If my vote counts, you're in Mason!

  6. ah that is so cute. if it helps I will share that my prince litters our bathroom with ski catalogs and bike training books. it's really all the same in the end - a block of time very well used!

  7. and PS at least this is a picutre of a very clean bathroom! I stopped cleaning ours because the count down to ripping it out has begun. gulp!

  8. I know Tyler is dying to come and play! Darn it
