Monday, April 14, 2008

Signs of a wonderful weekend

Grandpa and Lucy nap comfortably on the couch. Lucy and Ruby bond in the bathroom. All the girls (we missed you SO MUCH Haily and Jody!!) enjoy girl time at American Girl Place Dallas. Madi perches over her loving cousins and sister, just after her special baptism.

More snapshots to come. A wonderful weekend gone.


  1. Girl time how wonderful! Grandpa is the best. Madi looks most Beautiful in all white, we are so glad you made this wonderful decision Maddi

  2. Congratulations Maddi! You made a good choice.

  3. Madi looks so beautiful! I hope you had a wonderful day, wish I could have been there!!

  4. Madison, it breaks my heart that I wasn't there to share your special day. I am so happy that grandma & grandpa, Dean & the Shirleys made it there to share the special day with you! I love you so much and want you to know that I was thinking about you ALL day Saturday!

    Aunt Jessa

  5. Congratulations Maddi! I didn't know you were baptized this past Saturday! Good for you for making such a great decision. Looks like you had a lot of fun this weekend with family. I love seeing all these super cute pictures of super cute girls (oh, and the always great Uncle Bill)! :)

  6. We are so happy for Maddi. Sorry we couldn't be there.
    Love you all!!
