Monday, May 12, 2008

Credit Where its due

Just want to formally thank REMODELING RESOURCE here in the Dallas area for creating our library shelves and our dutch door. They did a fantastic job of getting my design right, creating the pieces and finishing them well (the finish on the library is identical to our table, not easy to match!). The library is a series of moveable pieces (just in case our Texas house isn't the last one we live in ;) and it houses many parts, such as drawers behind cupboards to stash school supplies and books, and moveable book shelves for our beautiful picture anthologies. It also features a lighted glass cupboard up top for some of our more show-worthy momentos. It took more than a day to get this library looking just right, but the guys were patient and dedicated to my satisfaction with their work.

They even came back twice to re-work the dutch door until I was pleased with the installation...great job guys! I heard from Steve Turner about a hundred times by phone through out the process to be sure I was updated and to reschedule the installations (that was my only disappointment, a few reschedulings). I'm happy with the finished products and feel so lucky to get to enjoy such nice things in our home.

We'll be calling Steve and Ray again, a few years down the road I'm sure, to have new cupboards made for the kitchen...until then Happy trails to you guys at Remodeling Resource, and thanks for making our house more like home!

1 comment:

  1. The library pieces look lovely. I hope they function as you wish them to for years to come. Did you get the door knob problem worked out on the dutch door? Is it in full swing now?
