Tuesday, May 13, 2008

What is a Mormon? Post 1

I’ve felt it a good idea lately to perhaps elaborate on my religious beliefs. Now, lots of you who check in on this blog share my religion. And because of that, I refer you to two articles by Elder M. Russell Ballard . His inspiration has been the nudge that has pushed me in this direction. I’ll just share one thought each week, and hopefully as we near the end of my simple explanations I’ll have a few anecdotes to make it all more personal and worthwhile.

A Mormon is a Member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints;

“Mormon” is a nickname for a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. We are also sometimes called “LDS”. Saint means member…

There are over 13 million members of our church, spanning 176 countries and territories. 6 million members live within the United States. I have personally attended church meetings in the following countries; U.S., Sweden, Costa Rica, Haiti, Vietnam, Germany, Austria, France, South Africa and Canada. I have felt that attending church services in other countries is like having a family reunion with long lost relatives-members of our church are welcoming and friendly wherever we go, whether we can share language and culture or not.


  1. A Mormon likes:
    * Jello
    * Ice cream
    * Settlers of Catan
    * Camping
    * Disneyland
    * Wingtips
    * Scrapbooking
    * Multilevel marketing
    * The GOP

    A Mormon does not like:
    * Being confused with the RLDS

  2. Or being confused with the FLDS! And not all Mormons like Multilevel marketing, or camping...just ask Bill. In the last 40+years we have been pitched every possible money making scheme and he has quickly and surely poked holes in them...and so convincingly the "friend" doing the pitching usually gives up on the said "company" or product pretty quick.

    Like your idea Katie, I hope you get some positive feed back.
