Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Playing Martha

Last weekend our church congregation had a fun party, where in all met at the church and then were split up to smaller dinner parties held in several church members' homes. John and I enjoy entertaining and were lucky enough to host 4 other couples for dinner. Our "theme" for the evening was Napa Valley Mormon style. John was our head chef, preparing marinated pork chops served with asian mustard sauce and braised cabbage-a recipe from the Mustard Grill cookbook (the Grill is in the heart of Napa, and JOhn and I intend to dine there sometime before we die...) Of course, being members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, none of us partake of the valley's notorious wines (no drinking for us mormons, and that suits me fine). Instead of a perfect red or white we served several sparkling and still waters from various parts of the globe-a fun twist on the evening.

John did all the cooking. He and I did lots of cleaning (kids helped too, great job kids!) and then I got to set table. I swear I could have a dinner party every night if it means I get to snip beautiful flowers, light candles and set out matching dinnerware (thanks Mandy and John that we actually have ten plates of the same color!) It was fun trying to act like Ms. Martha in the preparations of a dinner party that could be called a "good thing"...what a fun date night!


  1. So much fun to host in your new house! Wish I was there for some of John's great cooking!

  2. Our friends served some delicious sparkling grape juice at Thanksgiving dinner this past year. If you are interested in adding that to your "Mormon Nappa Valley" dinners let me know and I will figure out where they got it from.
