Wednesday, May 21, 2008

My daily work...

consists of lots and lots of laundry. We sorted these loads on friday night (my girls and I, while the men were away on a church camping trip) and it is now Wednesday night and I've just gone to fold the last load. You guessed it, the hampers are full again, so I'll be sorting before I sleep and start it all over tomorrow.

We have so much laundry that I don't just separate darks, colors and white. We can have entire loads of red/pink and full batches of jeans alone. Work out clothes (between gymnastics, running, weight lifting and soccer) can be done in an entire load-can you believe that? You'd think we'd all be fit athletes for all the exercise clothing I wash.

I get tired of it sometimes-I've timed how long it takes me to fold a load and put in a new one (around 12 minutes if said load does not have any socks to mate) and I've tried many ways to curb the amount of laundry we wash (I cut fingers off if I see a child has put an article of clothing in the dirty hampers that is not actually dirty...).Our 3 oldest kids have been taught how to sort, wash and fold the clothes. My oldest even has his own laundry day (which hasn't worked well because of his soccer schedule; see exercise clothing comment above)but alas, it is still a never ending pile of work to be done. And that work, for the most part, is done by me.


  1. I love my laundry goddess.

    I have done a lot of laundry in the past but am now prohibited from entering the laundry room because we can't afford our clothing to be disposable anymore. I've ruined my share of clothes for a lifetime. I'm now relegated to folding clothes and matching socks.

  2. Hey John~

    Sounds like you and Bart learned the same lesson :)(Wool pants and the dryer don't play well together)

  3. The joys of being a stay at home mom. I try to do a load of laundry a day. My goal is to put a load in the morning and have it folded by the time I go to bed. I usually end up putting the clothes away the next morning. It's a never ending process but this way I don't get discouraged to see more clothes in the hamper. But I can't really compare our laundry woes to yours since I have a third of the number of children. Good luck in the mountains and valleys of the laundry room.

  4. Laundry and dishes are the never ending chore. I wish I had a magic wand to make it disappear and there are only 4 of us! Can't imagine doing laundry for 8!

  5. How well I remember! And we only had gym clothes and then football uniforms and rugby uniforms. do you remember the cartoon Aaron drew of me in my old blue bathrobe "TAMING" the laundry monster? I'll try to find it and send it your way. Remember these are the best years of your life!

  6. I truly find your blog posts entertaining and SOOO relatable. I am so happy that another mother loves her children, but also enjoys them to attend school! I can relate to your laundry issue. I often remind Judd that if I go postal is was because of the laundry!

  7. Laundry goes on forever...but I would rather do it than the bathrooms. I'd rather my kids clean bathrooms than do laundryl...I think I am a little OCD on that. I don't have just the 3 catergories either. I have green, blue, red/orange, white, towels, jeans, yellow...

    My friends's family coordiantes their clothes colors EVERY day. She says that it helps with the laundry. Everyone wears the same colors so at the end of the day it all just goes in the washer, without waiting for a full load. I'm just amazed her 8 children go along with that. My family(read boys) would rebel against pink day I think. But she swears it works!
